Friday, July 6, 2007

It΄s Just a Ride

"The world is like a ride in an amusement park. And when you choose to go on it, you think it's real because that's how powerful our minds are. And the ride goes up and down and round and round. It has thrills and chills and it's very brightly coloured and it's very loud and it's fun, for a while. Some people have been on the ride for a long time and they begin to question, is this real, or is this just a ride? And other people have remembered, and they come back to us, they say, "Hey - don't worry, don't be afraid, ever, because, this is just a ride..." And we... kill those people.

"We have a lot invested in this ride. Shut him up. Look at my furrows of worry. Look at my big bank account and my family. This just has to be real." Just a ride. But we always kill those good guys who try and tell us that, you ever notice that? And let the demons run amok. But it doesn't matter because: It's just a ride. And we can change it anytime we want. It's only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings and money. A choice, right now, between fear and love. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love, instead, see all of us as one. Here's what we can do to change the world, right now, to a better ride. Take all that money that we spend on weapons and defences each year and instead spend it feeding and clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would many times over, not one human being excluded, and we could explore space, together, both inner and outer, forever, in peace. Thank you very much, you've been great."

Τα είπε ο Bill τόσο όμορφα και τα λόγια του φαίνονται πάντα προφητικά και κοντά στην εποχή μας, παρόλο που πέθανε πριν 13 χρόνια. Όλα είναι μια βόλτα στο τρενάκι του λούνα παρκ χωρίς φόβο, με ενθουσιασμό, φασαρία, πολλά χρώματα και σκαμπανεβάσματα .Από ότι φαίνεται η διαδικτυακή μας βόλτα ανάγκασε πολλούς να κρυφτούν, να ιδρώσουν και να χάσουν τα λόγια τους...Το αφιερώνω σε όλους όσους βολτάρουν σε πείσμα αυτών που έχουν κάνει σκοπό τη ζωή τους να αυξήσουν τα ψηφία των τραπεζικών τους λογαριασμών και ονειρεύονται να κρατούν εμάς τους μικρούς και ασήμαντους σε λήθαργο.


λολιτα said...

αγαπημενε μου συμπατριωτη επεστρεψα...θα με βρεις εδω..

BioLogos said...

Η γυναίκα μυστήριο!Εξαφανίζεσαι και επανέρχεσαι.

λολιτα said...

καλα που να δεις τι εγινε παρε μια γευση απο το μπλογκακι μου


Αχ βιολόγε, πόση ουσία συμπυκνωμένη έχει αυτό το post σου. Και πόσο καλύτερη θα ήταν η ζωή μας αν όλοι το καταλαβαίναμε ότι είμαστε περαστικοί σ'αυτή τη βόλτα και προσπαθούσαμε να την ομορφήνουμε.
Καλησπέρα από την μπανανία...

the muppet show girls said...

Let them all pass all their dirty
remarks (One Love!);
There is one question
I'd really love to ask (One Heart!):
Is there a place for the hopeless sinner,
Who has hurt all mankind just
to save his own beliefs?
Let's get together and feel alright...
BioLoge, o Bob Marley παίζει στο ράδιο αυτό τον καιρό, οπότε έδεσε με το ποστ σου. Hold on your ride!

Nobody said...

Λιβ εντ λετ λιβ

BioLogos said...

Και κάτι άσχετο...επειδή καφές και τσιγάρο δεν γίνεται χωρίς ο βιολόγος να καπνίζει(όσα παιδιά διαβάζουν αυτό να ξέρετε ότι το κάπνισμα βλάπτει ε!) να και τι έλεγε ο Bill για τα smoking sticks:Not a time to quit smoking, kids, but I fucking did it. And yes, I miss 'em. It is hard to quit smoking. Every one of them looks real good to me right now. Every cigarette looks like it was made by God, rolled by Jesus, and moistened shut with Claudia Schiffer's pussy right now.

o βασιλιάς του δάσους said...

kai omos o kosmakis ksipnaei...

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